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Wednesday, April 23, 2008 by Mistlee

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Small Business Marketing Unleashed!: Matt McGee

A few months ago, Matt McGee, the SEO Manager at Marchex, created a success pyramid for SEO. McGee discusses the pyramid with WebProNews Reporter Abby Prince but emphasizes the importance of the human element in it.
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Auto Installer
Auto Installer is great for installations! It is simple and easy to use yet very customizable.
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The Empty Bin application was designed to be a small tool that can empty your Recycle Bin at startup.
What is Start++? Start++ is an enhancement for the Start Menu in Windows Vista.


Facebook Chat's Launch Finished
By Doug Caverly

Earlier this month, Facebook started rolling out a chat feature, and as of now, the thing seems to be fully open. All of the social network's users can either talk to or ignore their friends at will.

A small sort of box at the bottom right corner of the screen shows whether you're "offline" or "online." Go online, and it'll add information about which friends are available. Otherwise, options are extremely limited, but as far as holding basic conversations goes, Facebook Chat works fine.

Furthermore, Facebook Chat appears to be popular. Wall mentions of "facebook chat" are occurring at about six times the highest level "beacon" ever reached, according to Facebook Lexicon.

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