|  | | WebProWorld Members,
I'm sure you have all heard the news already, Microsoft (the leader of the free world) place a bid on Yahoo! The computer tycoon offered $31 per share, which comes out to about $44.6 billion. Microsoft is trying to compete with the king of search engines Google. The buzz is filling the airways; we will have to wait and see if Yahoo accepts or counters back. For up to the minute updates, check out WebProNews.
Our featured post today comes from MikeRosart. He used to be an SEO and now he is an SEO for lawyers. But there are strict lawyer advertising laws in California. His clients are now researching to see if they can legally have the reciprocal links that have been very carefully built over the last year or two.
As for the remaining posts, the first asks how do you change the font color on a site forum using phpbb. The next post wonders what is stopping search engines from seeing her content? Our final post today ask which one do you think is more important articles or blogs?
| Jordan | | Search Engine Optimization Forum Links And The Law
I switched from being an SEO to an SEO for lawyers. I have since run into an issue that I cannot find a way around, and really hope someone here can help me see the light. The ongoing link building that is required for search engine success is quite challenging as there are strict lawyer advertising laws in California. As I have come to understand this far, my clients cannot utilize social media in anyway for business, can be held legally responsible for articles they write across the country, even if they were not meant to be read by someone outside California, as the article can be taken as advice, the same goes for blogging. My clients are now researching to see if they can legally have the reciprocal links that have been very carefully built over the last year or two. My competition has mostly purchased links and built site networks and they just link to themselves and though I have reported linking violations to the SEs no action has been taken. The sites I work with are built around SEO and they all have good amounts of content, and are updated periodically, but they are just stuck and I can only believe that the links are the problem. Does anybody have a suggestion to help with this seemingly insurmountable issue? Read Replies
| |  | www.placemyproduct.com I launched a new ad auction site this week: PlaceMyProduct.com - Online Auction Site For Product Placement, Sponsorships, Ads. I will begin promoting it next week. But before I do that, I'd like some honest reviews. More specifically, is it immediately easy enough to understand what the site is about?
| | Graphics & Design Discussion Forum PHPBB Formating Question? I have started building a site forum using phpbb 2, and have a question regarding font colors? The site in question is hosted at http://utt.netfreehost.com. I am happy with most of the formatting, but when you first arrive at the registration screen the links to answer age, appear in white.
I have tried my best to find exactly which part of the style template to change this font color, but even after trying all the font color boxes in admin panel and changing them to black (or any other color), the links still show white until they have been clicked. Any ideas? Read Replies
Search Engine Optimization Forum What Is Stopping Search Engines Seeing My Content? I have had my website built in .net with AJAX and some javascript. I have added over 180 relevant articles, but the search engines haven't indexed any of the content which has been up for months. I'm concerned that my site has been built in a way that the search engines can't read my wonderful content. I would really appreciate it if someone could look at my articles pages at Healthy Comparisons - Articles and let me know if there is anything stopping the webcrawlers seeing my content. Thank you so much! Read Replies
Search Engine Optimization Forum Article vs. Blog As we all know, that Articles and Blogs both are valuable terms in regards to Search Engine Optimization. They both have their own importance when it comes to SEO, but what which one do you think is more important over the other?
Is it feasible to post blogs rather then articles or vice versa? Which of these two has an upper hand when we talk about the global accessibility of them? Read Replies
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| SEO Plugins for Firefox Mike McDonald of WebProNews has a tip for today that explains two plug-ins for Firefox that allow you to have quick and easy access... | |  A little more moderation would be good. Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation. - Donald Trump | | | | | |
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