Microsoft Releases Prototype Inking Application InkSeine

Wednesday, February 20, 2008 by Mistlee

Microsoft Releases Prototype Inking Application InkSeine

By Nathan Weinberg

Microsoft's Miel announced that Microsoft Research is planning on releasing to the public next week an internal prototype, called InkSeine, that allows for some amazing inking on Tablet PCs. InkSeine can be installed on Tablets running Windows XP or Windows Vista (Premium, Business or better) and allows access to many features just by inking.

For example, you can run a search just by circling some words.

Microsofties, many of whom use Tablet PCs, have been enjoying InkSeing internally for a long time, but now regular users can enjoy the program. On February 15, InkSeine will be released to the wild. Until then, enjoy these videos and screenshots:

The first video is from the InkSeine website (there's a higher quality version there):

InkSeine: Find Your Stuff With Ink

The second video is also from there, but I had to upload it to YouTube:

InkSeine - Advanced inking app for Tablet PCs

To see more screenshots - Visit this article.

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