Site Display on Internet Explorer vs. Mozilla Firefox

Friday, February 22, 2008 by Mistlee

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WebProWorld Members,

So, I'm sure you all noticed you didn't get your daily dose of WebProWorld yesterday. We had another ice storm here in Kentucky and got to head out of the office a little early because the roads were getting too dangerous to drive on.

Meanwhile, we had an intense situation here at iEntry, resulting in the kidnapping of our very own Mike McDonald. Catch this intriguing story only on WebProNews.

Our featured post today comes from fortune68, who is having site display issues with Internet Explorer and Firefox. In Internet Explorer, the writing and a picture go slightly out into the blue strip on the side. And in Firefox, site looks perfect. If you think you can help, click here!

As for the remaining posts, the first has a 301 redirect question. The second has a problem with keywords stuffing. And the last post wants some info on SSL vs EV SSL Certificates.

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Friday, Feb 22, 2008 Visit Here

Graphics & Design Discussion Forum
Display on Internet Explorer vs. Firefox
Site Display on Internet Explorer vs. Mozilla Firefox

I have just got my new (and first!!) website pretty much finished, and now I discovered that when searched for with Internet Explorer the first page displays differently than on Mozilla Firefox.

I created the site in a sitebuilder and always worked in Mozilla Firefox. In Firefox it looks perfect.

In Internet Explorer, the writing and a picture go slightly out into the blue strip on the side.

Could anybody have a look at it and maybe tell me why that is, and how I can fix this? It is really annoying, because I think most people still use Internet Explorer, and they all will see an im-professional site.

Site for Review

I actually just started this site about two weeks ago and wanted to see if i could get some general observations and tips before continuing. Anything is appreciated, thank you in advance.

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301 Redirect To New Website

If we redirect permanently (using 301) from an old website to a new wesbite. In this case can we remove the old website? Will the redirected URLs from old to new website will still work or not? Or is it necessary to keep the old website in in place always?

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I hope someone can help, Thanks in advance.

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