![]() Let's take a look at Communicator World. They're an advertising firm masked in a cute animated world in their website. These guys are the real deal with a client base consisting of Starbucks, Colgate, and Jack Daniels. From page to page you'll find these cute little animated bighead toons meandering around their environment themed in what particular part of the site navigation they're in. You can easily lose yourself watching them bounce around before going into the content that they lure you into. Now let's peep out the Microsoft Office site for the Mac. There are some lively line art toons scrolling by that you can click on. Each one navigates you to a page that expounds upon a particular feature in MS Office. There are some cool transition animations that are fun to watch. Last is a really trippy site for a band from New Zealand with interestingly a French name. Their site is just as eccentric but in equal measures engaging. You have an option to choose an abstract animal thing and chat with other site visitors via word bubbles above your nondescript animal avatar. Weird but very fun. This week we've got uhhh, ME writing this week's article with my best attempt to fake any amount of journalistic aptitude. With intent to do the content justice, it's actually really cool. The contest for the 2008 Flash Goddess has commenced so you lady flash peoples get crackin' on your best flash work to win some sweet goodies and the title of Flash Goddess! Mark Rivera "When deep space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything, the IBM Stellar Sphere, the Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks." ~ Narrator For any thoughts or suggestions for a website to be featured in FlashNewz gimme a shout at mark@flashnewz.com And don't forget to check out our Flash Directory |
The 2008 Flash Goddess Award![]() Flashgoddess.com is revving up their 2nd Annual FlashGoddess Contest. If you are a Flash developer, designer, animator and member of the fairer sex now is the time to receive your accolades. |
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