Tuesday, February 12, 2008 by Mistlee
Maximize Your Facebook Application's Profit Potential
By Andrew Wee
In the final part of our interview, Jason Bailey (AKA Chickenhole) and I discussed how to maximize your application's profit potential by incorporating some tips during the development, marketing and monetization phases.
We talked about the criteria a successful FB App MUST incorporate to ensure that it takes on a life of its own through viral distribution.
We also talked about how you get started, especially if you don't have any programming skills.
If you are already developing a Facebook Application, you will want to know about the free application hosting with programming functions. This is especially critical because successful Facebook applications could have 500,000 or more daily active users a day.
To access this massive 45-minute recording, you should add the $uperRewards application.
After you have added it, you can submit your application to join the $uperRewards Developers group.
The developers group will also contain tips on application design and game mechanics and ideas for incorporating the $uperRewards application into your application and increase your monetization.
Current Facebook Application owners who have added $uperRewards have reported up to a 20 times increase in profit since adding the application.
As we are manually reviewing each application, it may take up to 48 hours to approve your application.
Here are the links:
-> $uperRewards Application
-> $uperRewards Developers Group | |
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