Wednesday, February 13, 2008 by Mistlee
WebProWorld Members,
Well we made it to the middle of the week. I'm actually hoping the rest of this week and next go by in a hurry. After next week is over, I am headed off to Santa Clara, California for SMX West. WebProNews will be covering the expo all week complete with new articles, videos, and pictures of the event. It will be my first time going to SMX so it will be a fun, learning experience for me. Be sure to check out the coverage when the time comes.
Our featured post today comes from craigmn3, who wants to know how much a site's loading time effects the page rank in search engines. The site has some photos and a flash section that make up the bulk of the kb use. Are the flash and graphics just hurting the site's ranking? Click here to tell us what you think!
As for the remaining posts, the first has a question about adding an add a link form to a site. The second wants to know how to get expanded Google results. And today's final post needs some pointers on using the correct W3C heading html with javascript.
| Tiffany | | Search Engine Optimization Forum Load Time And SEO
A quick question on psuedo SEO procedures. Load it, or is it not an issue?.
Looking at what is topping the major search engines it is clear that load time differences does not have a major effect on placement, but does it have SOME effect.
I have just finished a index page redesign and it conforms well with all other SEO factors but it's load time is rated 1/10 on SiteReportCard: Web Site Optimization and Promotion Tools with a total page size of 216kb and an htmlpage size of 31kb. Some photos, and a small flash section makes up the bulk of the kb use.
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Hi there, new to this forum and read that I could get opinions for my site. I would appreciate for any comments on my online store. want to know...
| | Marketing Strategies Discussion Forum
Question About 'Add A Link' Form
I have a links page on my website that lists relevant links by category.
Someone asked me about adding a 'add a link' form so customers can request that we add a link to there site.
I have visited a handful of websites to see if they have such a form and they do not. I was just wanting to get some opinions on whether I should add this form to my links page. I am afraid that I will just get spammed from people with irrelavent links. I would imagine that if someone visited my site and wanted their link added to my links page then they would just send an email requesting it.
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Google Discussion Forum
How Do You Get Expanded Google Results?
Greetings, When you do a search for certain keywords, (example: cars, lionel trains) sometimes the first or second result will have the usual format.... but, under the listing it will have links for several subcatagories. For the search "cars", Google returns, and under the listing is subcatagories (links) for thingsl like:
Sell you Car Dealer Center and, More results from
What are these results called?
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Search Engine Optimization Forum
Correct W3C Heading HTML With Javascript?
I'm an inexperienced self-taught website developer, who usually needs things spelt out in the plainest way possible.
I have most of my pages in simple HTML.
I know that the proper code is for an HTML page that occasionally changes. |
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