Monday, February 11, 2008 by Mistlee
WebProWorld Members,
So, I'm sure you have heard by now that Yahoo! rejected Microsoft's $44.6 billion offer. The Times Online suggest that Yahoo is in talks with AOL now as an alternative to the Microsoft merger. The Times also reports that it is believed Yahoo! will not consider talks with Microsoft unless they offer at least $40 a share, which of course is quite a bit more than their initial offer of $31 a share. What do you think? Should Yahoo! sell?
Our featured post today comes from powsurfer, who made some changes to his site and has now dropped in SERPS. He changed the title and added some tours that link out to full pages, and thinks this might have hurt the rankings. Do you know the problem?
As for the remaining posts go, the first has a question about multipe domains pointing at one space. The second needs some pointers dealing with credit cards and databases. And today's final post wonders if Google results are always changing.
| Tiffany | | Google Discussion Forum Dropped In SERPS After Changes
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to why we could have dropped after making the following changes. I don't want put all back but if anyone has an idea/opinion on what could be the main problem please let me know.
Index page: Ski Chile & Argentina Resort page: Valle Nevado
Changes Made... 1. Title change on resort page from Ski Valle Nevado Chile to Valle Nevado to match more frequently searched term 2. Removing 3 aliasing domains (some pages were appearing in SERPS) including the original site (Ski Chile & Argentina) with IBLs and set them up as 301 redirects
We already are aware of the problem with the navbar flickering when a user hovers over it. We are working on a fix but we are also open to suggestions on the issue.
| | Search Engine Optimization Forum
One Space, Multipe Domains Pointing At It
My question is hosting related, but the set up of the hosting could have a major impact on the search engine results, hence the reason I am posting it here.
I am looking for a new webhost based in the US. I have done a bit of research and the same name keeps coming up (can I name the company?) . They offer web space that allows me to point unlimited domain names at it which (so the salesman tells me) will be seen as inidividual websites. The sites I would like to move all rank well for various phrases and I do not want to risk losing the rankings I have worked hard achieve.
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eCommerce Discussion Forum
Default Credit Cards & Database vs. Shopping Cart
I have a potential client who owns a travel agency. He is currently booking cruises off his website using some service that collects the credit card information (along with all other pertinent data) which then emails the information to him.
He then sends it along to Carnival to complete the booking. [I have no idea how the current service sends it to him, or how he sends it to Carnival.]
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Google Discussion Forum
Are Google Results Always Changing?
I know the actually results returned change all the time but specifically do the actual number of pages indexed always fluctuate for a given site?
We're at a loss to figure out which direction to head on our site, we keep adding new content and items with a keen eye to our returns. It's a little early to discern much of a pattern but as we have gotten more adept at tracking our total "indexed" versus supplemental it seems it changes rhytmically. Is this normal? |
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