Friday, February 8, 2008 by Mistlee
WebProWorld Members,
Well we made it to the Friday! Got any big plans? My weekend will be packing all my stuff to move to my new apartment. Sounds fun right? At least the weather is getting a little better here in Kentucky, which of course is always a good thing. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and that you get to do something better than staying in the house boxing up all your stuff!
Our featured post today comes from markrchisholm, who is changing web hosting providers after consistently poor service. He wants to know if anyone recommends having a third party to control the registrations of domains and host their DNS. Give your opinion and expertise here!
As for the remaining posts go, the first needs help with indexing a homepage. The second wants to know how to detect false clicks. And today's final post has a few questions about natural results in
| Tiffany | | Hosting Issues
Domain Registration Seperate From Hosting
After a consistently poor service from our web host we are in the process of changing providers. This process is a bit of a headache and not one that I'd like to do again in a hurry.
My question is, would anyone recommend having a third party to control the registrations of domains and host their DNS (not the hosting provider).
This would mean that if you ever need to leave your web host you do not need to transfer domains, just change the DNS records. This seems to me to me only a good thing, removing ties that somewhat keep you under the thumb of a web host.
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I've been experimenting a bit with algorithmically recommending free online (Flash, Shockwave, etc) games (a bit like Digg or StumbleUpon, but more specialized). But I think in algorithms and logic, and I'm not really a web designer.
| | Google Discussion Forum
Indexing Homepage
I've been using wordpess to SEO some dating blogs.
What im really interested in knowing is how to only index my homepage. Reason being is sometimes my blogs will bounce out for its keyword and index my last post. I was wondering if there is a way to only index just the main page of my blog?
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Google AdWords/Google AdSense
How Do I Detect False Click
My ad words campaign behaving unordinarily everyday. One day it is giving very good results with great conversion rate and the very next day it is performing very badly. What could be the probable reason. Why suddenly huge amount of clicks are generating without any registration. Are they false click? If so then how do I detect them and how to restrict false clicks.
Any help will be well appreciated.
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Yahoo! Discussion Forum
Natural Results In
Maybe this is something new and maybe it's not but it's the first time I've noticed this....
I'm looking through to see how our prices compare to competitors and I find our items listed in the results. I know we're not paying for listing here because I'd be the guy doing it.
Does anyone know how long Yahoo has been incorporating "natural" results in what is normally paid? Or have they always been doing this but giving higher "ranking" to paid results?
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