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Free Guide To Television Advertising! - Click Here. | | This is a key element in blogger relations and social media outreach generally - having your own place to talk about the things that interest you (which are not necessarily about your product or service) and providing the means for others to easily connect to you. It's about exposing individuals and personalities, letting you get a feeling for the people behind a venture. It's also about building that all-important credibility that you are part of the conversation. An over-used expression perhaps, but valid nevertheless. As a result of the blog, Conjungo's name increasingly appears in Technorati and Google blog search results. I'm pretty sure that most of the people I speak to will check to see if Conjungo has a blog. Whenever I'm approached by anyone about their client, that's one of the first things I do. Not having a blog won't necessarily result in a closed door. But having one is very likely to make you more disposed to find out more about the company and, perhaps, make a connection. Another key element in blogger relations is a very obvious one - having something interesting to say. Corporate websites aren't the places where conversations happen; that's what blogs can do. Take a look at some of the recent posts on the Conjungo blog. I'm seeing some more interesting content appearing as they get into their blogging stride. This one, for instance: " Why would anyone want to go to Google to find a supplier?" It addresses an issue that I bet is in many business people's minds when they think about searching for something. Or this one: " The corporate photo shoot!" Some tips and personal insight that isn't really anything to do with the core business. Writing this post helps me clarify my own thinking in this still-emerging field of blogger relations. I'm hopeful that it will also plant some seeds for thought if you're planning any blogger relations activity. Plus provide a space for some feedback. Transparency as well as the conversation. Comments About the Author: Neville Hobson is the author of the popular NevilleHobson.com blog which focuses on business communication and technology. Neville is a UK-based communicator, blogger and podcaster. He helps companies use effective communication to achieve their business goals. Visit Neville Hobson's blog: NevilleHobson.com. |
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