Microsoft Extends ASP.NET With 3.5 Extensions

Friday, March 21, 2008 by Mistlee

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Microsoft Extends ASP­.NET With 3.5 Extensions

By David A. Utter

Astoria may rise to the penthouse based on Microsoft's willingness to embrace the REST application architecture. ADO.NET Data Services formerly held the 'Astoria' moniker, and functions as a way to publish database information online in a useful way.

A report at Redmond Developer News gave the basics of how that would look to a developer in REST:

Data is retrieved using standard HTTP GET operations, new records are added through HTTP POST, existing records are changed with HTTP PUT and records are removed with HTTP DELETE.

In addition, the data is surfaced through a consistent set of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and is returned in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), making it very easy to access data from AJAX clients.

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Dynamic Data also emerged as a new data capability in ASP.NET. Microsoft described Dynamic Data as a dynamic mechanism that takes away the need to make pages manually.

"It tries to recreate for the Web something that VB has had for more than a decade: the ability to identify a database you want to display and have the actual form generated for you," Redmond Developer News said, and noted Dynamic Data does this in a runtime.

If ASP.NET developers find this works as advertised, especially with the listed AJAX support, Dynamic Data and other 3.5 Extensions should find their way to broader use.


About the Author:
David Utter is a staff writer for WebProNews covering technology and business.

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