Cool Spotlight Shortcuts

Thursday, May 15, 2008 by Mistlee

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Cool Spotlight Shortcuts

By Dave Taylor

I'm on a kick about learning all the sneaky and secret shortcuts buried in Mac OS X and have heard that there are quite a few in the Leopard version of Spotlight, the utility that lets you find files on your Mac. Do you know some, and can you share?

Dave's Answer:

Spotlight is a great example of a simple little utility in Mac OS X that has quite a bit more power than you realize. For most people, it's the magnifying glass on the very top right of your screen, and clicking on it produces this:

Mac OS X Spotlight: Empty

You can type in a pattern and find files, documents, images, Web pages, and just about anything else on your computer that matches the pattern. Type in ".doc", for example, and you'll get a list of all the MS Word files on your computer.

But what else can you do with Spotlight?

First off, you can launch it and be ready to type into it without having your hands stray from the keyboard and use the mouse or trackpad. Just type Command-Space (that is, hold down the "command" key and press the space bar).

To get started, here's something I use with great frequency: type in a mathematical equation:

Mac OS X Spotlight: Solving a mathematical equation / formula

I find that quite a bit more convenient -- and faster -- than using the Calculator application.

You can also get the definition of a word that might be otherwise befuddling:

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About the Author:
Dan Morrill has been in the information security field for 18 years, both civilian and military, and is currently working on his Doctor of Management. Dan shares his insights on the important security issues of today through his blog, Managing Intellectual Property & IT Security, and is an active participant in the ITtoolbox blogging community.
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