Dot Org Domains Get A Price Increase

Monday, May 12, 2008 by Mistlee

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Dot Org Domains Get A Price Increase

By Mike Banks Valentine

According to Jacqui Cheng of Ars Technica, the
Public Interest Registry has announced a .60 cent increase in wholesale prices for the dot org
(.org) domain fee.

This increase seems negligible to me and, like the cost of postage, seems entirely reasonable to increase. The fact that you can send written or printed communication across the country for less than half a dollar has always been fascinating to me - yet each time the cost goes up a few pennies, people wail about it. Each time a rate increase is announced for anything, people rail against the effect of prices increasing.

Guys, come on, it's sixty cents per year! Yes, it will cost domain squatters a bit more to renew their portfolio of profit-makers. Yes, it will cost true non-profits a few pennies for the domains they hold for true charity work - but just like postage - look at the value received. That name should represent the online identity of an organization. How much more is spent on signage, marketing collateral, branding and visibility for national organizations, press release distribution, PR and marketing, intellectual property protection and on and on. The cost of the domain is, by far and away, the least costly element of an online presence - even at twenty times current levels.

I've always recommended to clients that they consider extending their registration out to the maximum allowable 10 years in any case. Those who do that, including non-profits, not only decrease the likelihood that they'll forget to renew it or that their contact information will go stale and they'll lose it to forgetfulness or just plain negligence. Now I can add this additional reason - you are protected from price increases and lock in your identity for the silly low (wholesale) price of your $6.15 dot org domain registration times ten.

And if you own any dot org domains, you still have until November 9th to renew them - you can have a fundraiser to cover that .60 cents. ;-) Just kidding around, but honestly, it's your online identity and worth the tiny cost.


About the Author:
Mike Banks Valentine operates SEOptimism, Offering SEO training of in-house content managers SEO Staff Training as well as the Small Business Ecommerce Tutorial at and blogs about SEO at where this article appears with live links to SMO stories, buttons, blog posts and examples.
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