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| 05.29.08 FXCop Checks The Coding Practices Of Your Dot Net Assemblies By Dan Morrill FXCop is one of the very few free tools you can use to check on the coding practices of a dot net assembly. If your company is building things in dot net, then this is a tool you want to run every single home grown code set through. Additionally though, it can be used to take a look at other folks dot net assemblies to see how well they coded them, and see if you want to use them. This video covers the reverse engineering and security check of a web 2.0 dot net assembly for YouTube that was pulled randomly off the internet, and the results were surprising. As companies start to do a wider adoption of Web 2.0 components that they have used off the internet, your developers or security team should be using FXCop to check each of those API's that are being used to make sure that they follow secure coding practices, and that the API does not introduce vulnerabilities in your web 2.0 application. Comments About the Author: Dan Morrill has been in the information security field for 18 years, both civilian and military, and is currently working on his Doctor of Management. Dan shares his insights on the important security issues of today through his blog, Managing Intellectual Property & IT Security, and is an active participant in the ITtoolbox blogging community. |
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