Web News | BBC website 'unblocked in China' People in China are able to access English language stories on the BBC News website in full, after years of strict control by Beijing. The Communist authorities often block news sites such as the BBC in a policy... Warning to parents over children 'being raised online' British children are spending more than 20 hours a week online, most of it at social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Bebo, and are in effect being "raised online", according to research from the... Fly Mobile launches SX 200 in London London-based Fly Mobile has launched its SX 200 mobile phone in the UK. It is available from Woolworths on the Virgin Mobile network. Features of the new handset include an embedded digital camera; FM radio... | | 03.25.08 Standout During Slow Times By Michael Stelzner Things are slowing down. At least all the signs seem to present this reality. If you are a marketing professional, it's time to sit up straight. Your job just became much more important. "As large corporations redouble their efforts to find more profitable paths to growth, they're looking for strategic and operational leadership from the marketing organization more than ever before," stated a Strategy+Business article. Whether you are a big or small business, chances are you are feeling the pinch. My friend, Brian Carroll had this to say: If you want to flourish regardless of the economic conditions, you need to look for ways to help your sales team execute and improve performance. Much like a savvy investor who buys when the market is down, smart marketers can capitalize on this opportunity (and beat competitors), by bringing focus and attention to their lead generation efforts. A recent IDC marketing study found the following, as reported by B2B Magazine: Lead generation is the top marketing priority for tech marketers this year (ranked 4.3 in importance on a scale of 0-5), followed by brand awareness (4.0), online and interactive marketing (4.0), alignment with sales (3.9), marketing performance measurement (3.9), customer knowledge (3.6) and channel/partner marketing (3.4). So what is the solution? Simply put: Stand out by giving away great content. The fact is that people always need to do research. Indeed, with tightening budgets, research will become a mandate for many of your prospects. You can trump your competition by providing valuable educational content in the form of a white paper. The one tool that performs exceptionally well during economically slow times, the white paper will help your prospects make decisions. The theory is this: Give a person something of value. The person returns the favor by giving your solution consideration when shopping. Being part of the "short list" of firms under consideration will provide you an exceptional competitive advantage over your competitors. So get writing people-before your peers beat you to the punch. If you have had success with white paper during an economic downturn, I would love to hear from you. Heck, if you have anything you'd like to say, speak up. :) Comments About the Author: Visit http://www.writingwhitepapers.com/blog/ for extensive resources on crafting compelling white papers and applying creative marketing tactics. Michael A. Stelzner is the author of the new book Writing White Papers: How to Capture Readers and Keep Them Engaged and has written nearly 100 white papers for companies such as Microsoft, FedEx, Motorola, Monster and SAP. |
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